Leeshak Neilius Finyay
(And no, his name's not
Full name: Leeshak Neilius
Age: He's seen here as his younger self, (19 years old), the way
he will be mostly presented in the story. His actual age, however,
is 46. But the effects of the Timezones and the aid of his creations
helped him to survive the backwards travel through time that he
had to go through in order to help Lily.
Height: 5'9"
What's he do?: He's a semi-mad scientist who's really intelligent,
and is also an inventor, and invented the magical beings William
and Rose.
What's he WEARING??!: a lab-trenchcoat (lab because he works in
one, trenchcoat cuz they're cool and you never know when he might
explode something, resulting in a shower of something). He's got
four belts, each one securing a certain talent/time-stopper, and
a styling buttoned shirt from waaay in the future, along with
stylish boots and a wicked hairdo.
Why's he important?: He's the creator of William and Rose! He
knows things about his creations that no one else would!
Who's he related to?: Keo Nukleahr is his blind brother.
When did he originate?: In the year 3102.