Welcome to Eartheart, where the heart of Earth's events are preserved.
5 :: Missing Persons



Actually, it's still technically yesterday (the 24th) cuz it's 1:31 AM and I've been up all this time. SORRY THAT I HAVENT UPLOADED THIS COMIC SOONER!!! I've been quite busy lately prepping for next year's Lit class... it's another AP class, and I finally finished reading my 5 (well, it was supposed to be 4, but I did an extra) summer reading novels. That's not all, I've still got more to read, but I'm giving myself a break.

Another reason why this is late is because I'm going to update my harddrives on my computer, and I thought that would have taken place today but it didn't. so since I haven't started on this sunday's comic, and I probably won't till I get the harddrives, it'll be a while till there's another update, I'm sorry to say! aaack. But once that's up and all, everything should be running smooth and I should be able to update weekly.. hopefully, if I get the chance to draw all the comics!

Hmmmm I think that's all. So sorry about the absense of this comic for the last week, and now I need to check my email and hopefully start on comic 6!